Those who arrive in Cilento will never forget it, here are their stories.
From Cilento to Naples, Paolo De Matteis, a significant exponent of southern Baroque painting
Already at the time of the ancient Greeks was used the traditional fishing technique which is still used today to fish and transform the anchovies of Menaica. An ancient legacy that reminds us who we are and where we come from. Menaica anchovies are caught between...
“Non ‘ngè fatìa… e nui, ne l’ammendàmo!”
Venerdì 20 dicembre al Teatro "La Provvidenza"a Vallo della Lucania, la Compagnia Teatrale “I 100crammatinirussi” ritorna sulle scene con la commedia brillante: “Non ‘ngè fatìa… e nui, ne l’ammendàmo!” La Compagnia cilentana, dopo i favolosi ‘sold out’ registrati nei...
Tullia Conte – The Dance of Subaltern Cultures
Cilentani in the world Tullia Conte, theater director, performer and scholar of traditional dances, was born in Cilento, moved to Naples at an early age, but remains tied to her land forever. Now she lives in Paris, where he founded suDanzare (, an...
DIVERSE | La biodiversità è femmina
Le donne sono lo strumento del cambiamento e non lo dico perché sono una donna, per presunzione o femminismo, ma perché oltre al fatto che un mondo di soli uomini non può funzionare, analizzando in modo obiettivo le storie intorno a noi, vediamo che dove le donne...
Oggi ad Agropoli – Conferenza Stampa Libro “ANNA DEI SAPORI E DEI SAPERI”
Oggi 13 settembre alle ore 18.00 ad Agropoli, presso la Presidenza della BCC di Buccino e dei Comuni Cilentani, avviene la Conferenza Stampa di presentazione del primo quaderno dei Biodistretti “Anna dei sapori e dei saperi: un modello aziendale di sinergia...
What's more beautiful than a kiss! In the digital age it certainly is a beautiful idea, it doesn't surprise me if it has become viral in a short time. Michela Daniele, a citizen of Trentinara, proposed, inspired by the legend of Isabella and Saul, a sort of local...
Ancient rhythms
" "The bell of the small church of S. Biagio, near the north-west tower, made its tolling, the one of the bell tower of All Saints, in the heart of the town, responded by festively modulating the tones. It was noon, the bells announced it to the people, making the...
The photo is taken from the project: "The solitude of a country" by Amedeo Petrocchi. All the images that are part of it, are strongly linked to the title chosen by the author. Of all of them, I focused my attention on this gash. An architectural and temporal gash, in...
THE IMPORTANCE OF WHERE WE COME FROM Our origins, the history of our family, are like the roots of a tree: they are essential, they support us and they give nourish to our identity. This is why it is important to know them and pass them along with the pride of owning...