This morning I’m leaving the Cilento, the air is warm … spring is coming. This land is wonderful, every day I discover new views and meet new people who dream of redeeming this paradise, but they don’t dare to believe it, too influenced by pessimism and resignation. Try to decide how you want this wonderful land to be in 5 … 10 years, try to walk the road together with those who share your goal, others will stay behind thinking that anything will change. Nothing is impossible, nothing is by chance, too many people believe in this world, here is a famous example:
The Cilento is recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and by the Network of Biosphere Reserves. It was in the Cilento that Ancel Keys conducted his studies on the Mediterranean diet, which was later recognized by UNESCO as an intangible heritage of humanity. In this land, farmers, citizens and public administrators have formed a pact for the sustainable management of local resources where they guarantee that their produce is typical of the area, organic and GMO free, in accordance with the ethical and social principles on which organic agriculture is based.
The Cilento Bio-district includes 32 municipalities: Ascea, Auletta, Caggiano, Casal Velino, Castellabate, Castelnuovo Cilento, Castel San Lorenzo, Centola, Ceraso, Controne, Cuccaro Vetere, Gioi, Laurito, Morigerati, Monte San Giacomo, Novi Velia, Orria, Pisciotta, Pollica, Prignano Cilento, Rofrano, Rutino, Salento, San Pietro al Tanagro, Sanza, Sassano, Sessa Cilento, Sicignano degli Alburni, Stella Cilento, Stio, Torraca, Vallo della Lucania.
All the informations regarding the Cilento are taken from http://www.biodistretto.net/index.php/risultati-del-bio-distretto-del-cilento